Saturday, February 9, 2013

Half a heart?

Hey guys. This post is a DIY craft i mzde for my parents for their anniversary...but i guess it also works well as a Valentine's Day gift. Just a heads up thoug, you'll need to know how to do a alpha style friendship bracelet...let's get started

Things you'll need:
  1. Two magnets that are the same size
  2. Embrodiery floss (as many colours you want)
  3. Drawing of the pattern/layout
  1. Using the alpha style technic, start making the half of the heart.
  2. Once you finish making the heart, continue with the background string.
  3. Once you reach the length of the magnet, continue so that it can wrap around the whole magnet lengthwise.
  4. Knot and cut the remaining strands of string.
  5. Take another two strands as the base string and using your backgroud string, keep knotting over them back and fourth. This is used as the endge of your magnet, so it should wrap around the top, bottom, and one side of your magnet.
  6. Sew the two pieces together and glue your magnet inside.
  7. Repeat for the other half of the heart.
It should look something like this....



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