Sunday, December 23, 2012

DIY eyemask

Hey everyone its almost Christmas time and this DIY eyemask is sure to be the perfect gift for your loved ones!!! :) Technically this eyemask uses the same materials of the hand warmers, but in different form.

Things you will need:
  1. Fabric (something that keeps in heat like fleece)
  2. Needle and thread
  3. Embroidery floss (optional)
  4. Rice
  5. Template shown below
  1. Print and/or trace the eye mask template below
  2. Trace onto your chosen fabric*2
  3. Cut out
  4. Using embroidery floss, stich a pattern or message (optional)
  5. Sew together leaving a hole big enough to fill the eye mask with rice
  6. Fill with rice (approximately half a cup)
  7. Sew together and close the hole
  8. Attach instructions as to heat or cold shown below
And you're finished!!!!!

Instructions for the eye mask:
  1. For heat: microwave for 30 seconds for instant heat
  2. For coldness: place inside freezer for 3-4 hours for a cool relief

Check it out :D

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