Monday, December 24, 2012

Hunger games pin

Hey guys this post is a little late for the occasion but I guess its okay!!! I introduce to you the do it yourself hunger Games mockingjay pin. I was out at chapters and saw the mockingjay pin and it was 20 dollars and I was like no wayyyyyy. So I compromised and made one myself

Things you will need:
  1. Bottle cap
  2. Wire or string
  3. Safety pin
  4. X-acto knife
  5. Paper and cardboard
  6. Glue gun
  7. Pencil crayons
  8. Copy of the mockingjay bird
  1. Trace the picture of the mockingjay onto the white paper
  2. Draw a circle around the mockingjay that is slightly larger than your bottle cap
  3. Colour in your mockingjay picture
  4. Cut it out and paste onto the carboard for a stronger base
  5. Cut the carboard with the picture pasted on it
  6. Using your x-acto knife, cut to sets of holes which you can insert the wire or string to attach you safety pin with on the top of the bottle cap
  7. Insert the wire or string that secures the opposite side of the safety pin that doesn't open
  8. Tie/knot the wire or string on the inside of the bottle cap
  9. Glue the picture of the mockingjay onto the opposite side from the pin on the bottle cap
Now your finished!!!!! :D



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